Over a 6 month period I helped run the creative for Masterfoods... here are some highlights! The term: 'Get on the sauce' is associated with 'drinking beers'. We wanted to change that and restore its meaning to its rightful owner - Masterfoods.We sent the top Aussie artists in the Triple J Hottest 100 running a custom bottle of sauce. Along with a personalised letter wishing them luck and challenging them to get on the sauce that coming Hottest 100 day.



The results? MasterFoods’ most successful social shoutout in the history of the brand. With The Chats’ re-post receiving 21.3K likes and 215 comments. In total, we had 17 artist shares with a combined following of nearly 1M, 6,993 page visits (+2,308%), 27,698 impressions (+717.5%) and an estimated total organic reach reach: 115,005.
Additionally we created an AR filter. That thousands of people used. And shared.
$0 was spent on media.
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Up your flavour game
Made the music, filmed it, edited it
5 Veg
Stop motion
Up your flavour game
Made the music, filmed it, edited it
For the record it's pronounced JIF, not GIF!
GIPHY is great. It’s unrated. Underrated and often forgotten social platform. Gifs can be an effort to make. Yet, there is an array of web tools that can make them for you. Once they’re online, anyone can use them. Slack conversations, social media stories, presentation decks or texting messages.